Now I know what you’re thinking… This blog post isn’t very impressive looking. Well, I’m still quite proud of it! This is my first blog post using Hugo, a static website generator. The thing you have to know about me, however, is that I really enjoy customization. Some might (rightfully) call me a hipster in certain situations. I’m very excited to see what I will be able to achieve with this blog!

Here is what this post looks like to me as I am currently writing it:

title: "01"
date: 2023-01-30T19:06:08+04:00
draft: true
toc: false
  - untagged

Now I know what you’re thinking…  This blog post isn’t very impressive looking. Well, I’m still quite proud of it! This is my first blog post using Hugo, a static website generator. The thing you have to know about me, however, is that I really enjoy customization. Some might (rightfully) call me a hipster in certain situations. I’m very excited to see what I will be able to achieve with this blog!

Here is what this post looks like to me as I am currently writing it: